Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving JCR Nodes by composing Criterion objects. This is a very convenient approach for functionality like "search" screens where there is a variable number of conditions to be placed upon the result set.
The JCRCriteriaFactory is a factory for Criteria. Criterion instances are usually obtained via the factory methods on Restrictions. eg.
openutils-mgnlcriteria API is blatantly inspired by Hibernate's Criteria API.
openutils-mgnlcriteria requires JDK 1.5.x or superior
People already familiar with Hibernate's Criteria will find almost no difference (type names and methods have been kept the same on purpose, whenever possible): you create a Criteria object with one of the static methods in JCRCriteriaFactory and start adding Restrictions and a final optional Order. Then you call the list() method to get your Collection of results (that is instances of info.magnolia.cms.core.Content). As in Hibernate's Criteria, method chaining is supported. Here is an example:
Calendar begin = Calendar.getInstance(); begin.set(2004, 0, 1); Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance(); end.set(2008, 11, 1); Collection<Content> pets = JCRCriteriaFactory.createMgnlCriteria("//dogs//*", MgnlContext.getQueryManager("website"), "mgnl:content").add( Restrictions.contains("@name", "Nana")).add("@weight", new Float(10))).add( Restrictions.between("@birthDate", begin, end).addOrder( Order.desc("@jcr:score()")).list();
All this will be translated into the following xpath statement
//dogs//*[((jcr:contains(@name, 'Nana')) and (@weight>10.0) and (@birthDate >=xs:dateTime('2004-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00') and @birthDate <=xs:dateTime('2008-12-01T23:59:59.000+00:00')))] order by @jcr:score() descending
Anyone writing xpath queries by hand knows how painful and error-prone this can be.
You can also specify a different type to be returned in the Collection of results. eg.
Collection<Pet> pets = JCRCriteriaFactory.createMgnlCriteria("//dogs//*", MgnlContext.getQueryManager("website"), "mgnl:content", Pet.class).add( Restrictions.contains("@name", "Nana")).add("@weight", new Float(10))).add( Restrictions.between("@birthDate", begin, end).addOrder( Order.desc("@jcr:score()")).list();
Internally, this will use info.magnolia.content2bean.Content2BeanUtil.toBean() to transform nodes into beans.
So, for example, if you have a domain Pet class like this
public class Pet { private String name; private Float weight; private Calendar birthDate; //getters and setters here... }
Content nodes returned by the above query will be automatically converted to and populate instances of the Pet type.
Furthermore, you may want to have only a subset of the whole resultset returned, much like in a MySQL limit clause. In this case, you will use the JCRCriteriaFactory.createMgnlCriteriaWithLimit factory method. For this to work, the underlying JCR repository implementation must support this feature (Jackrabbit 1.4+ does).
Here is an example.
Collection<Pet> pets = JCRCriteriaFactory.createMgnlCriteriaWithLimit("//dogs//*", MgnlContext.getQueryManager("website"), "mgnl:content", Pet.class).add( Restrictions.contains("@name", "Nana")).add("@weight", new Float(10))).add( Restrictions.between("@birthDate", begin, end). setFirstResult(5). setMaxResults(10). addOrder(Order.desc("@jcr:score()")).list();
Notice the setFirstResult(int) and setMaxResults(int) methods. Now calling list() will cause to return a subset of only ten Pet objects, starting from the 6th item (counting starts from 0) returned by query.
A word of warning about implementations returned by JCRCriteriaFactory. They are NOT thread-safe, therefore client code wishing to use one of them as a shared global variable MUST coordinate access to it. These objects are actually meant to be instantiated and used within a method scope (e.g. a service method), where no concurrent issues arise.
Finally, it is good to know that openutils-mgnlcriteria API catches all checked exceptions thrown by JCR and Magnolia and wraps them into its own runtime net.sourceforge.openutils.mgnlcriteria.jcr.query.JCRQueryException, leaving to the API user the choice whether to catch it or not and, when needed, get to the original cause of error.
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