Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:
Date-related EL functions
Namespace definition: xmlns:du="dateutils"
EL Functions
Required attributes are marked with a*
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: boolean currentDateIncluded(java.util.Calendar, java.util.Calendar)
Tests if the current date is between the specified time interval (limits included)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String formatDate(java.util.Calendar, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Format a date based on a given pattern, or a builtin style (short, medium, long or full)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String formatDateTime(java.util.Calendar, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Format a date and time based on a given pattern, or a builtin style (short, medium, long or full). Also supports different styles for date and time with the syntax "date_style;time_style" (e.g. "short;long")
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String formatDateTimeWithLocale(java.util.Calendar, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Format a date and time with a specified language (lowercase two-letter ISO-639 code) based on a given pattern, or a builtin style (short, medium, long or full). Also supports different styles for date and time with the syntax "date_style;time_style" (e.g. "short;long")
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String formatInterval(java.lang.Long)
format a milliseconds interval as a string like 523h 22m 18s
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String formatTime(java.util.Calendar, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Format a time based on a given pattern, or a builtin style (short, medium, long or full)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.lang.Long getMillisFromNow(java.util.Calendar)
retrieve the milliseconds in difference between now and the input date
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.util.Calendar parseDate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
parse a date with a given pattern and return the parsed date as a calendar object (null safe)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.util.Calendar parseXsdDate(java.lang.String)
parse a date in XSD format and return the parsed date as a calendar object (null safe)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.DateElUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String toXsdDate(java.util.Calendar)
format a date in XSD format (null safe)
Openutils EL functions: stringutils
Namespace definition: xmlns:su="http://openutils.sf.net/openutils-stringutils"
EL Functions
Required attributes are marked with a*
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String adaptStringLength(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String)
Crops a String to a given length, adding a suffix (for example "...") if needed. The function takes 3 parameters: <br/><strong>java.lang.String:</strong> the string to be adapted<br/> <strong>int:</strong> the number of chars of the string to be kept<br/> <strong>java.lang.String:</strong> the suffix to be added if the string is not complete
adaptStringLength("pre",2,"post") : prpost
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String capitaliseAllWords(java.lang.String)
Capitalizes all the whitespace separated words in a String. Only the first letter of each word is changed.
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String defaultIfEmpty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is empty or null, the value of defaultStr. The function takes 2 parameters: <br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>the String to check, may be null<br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>the default String to return if the string to check is null of empty<br/>
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: boolean endsWith(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
A wrapper around java.lang.String#endsWith(..). Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix. The function takes 2 parameters: <br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>string to evaluate<br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>suffix<br/>
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String escapeJsText(java.lang.String, boolean)
Escapes a javascript string. If "true" is passed as parameter, the string is between ", if false is bewteen '
escJsTxt("xyz\\23",true) : "xyz\23"
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
Function signature: boolean isBlank(java.lang.String )
Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null.
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String newline()
Output a newline character.
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String randomAlphanumeric(int)
Creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.math.RandomUtils
Function signature: int nextInt(int)
Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive), from the Math.random() sequence.
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String shorten(java.lang.String, int, int, java.lang.String)
Shorten a text with a number of lines and a number of chars per line to be displayed. Display ellipses the line is shortened. The function takes 4 parameters: <br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>original text<br/> <strong>int: </strong>number of lines<br/> <strong>int: </strong>number of chars per line <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>optional ellipses ('...') to display optional ellipses where the line is shortened.
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String space()
Output a white space.
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String[] splitNewlines(java.lang.String)
Splits the given strings on newlines
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String[] splitOnTabs(java.lang.String)
Splits the given string on tab characters
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String strip(java.lang.String)
Strips whitespaces from the start and the end of a String
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String stripHtmlTags(java.lang.String)
Strip any html tag from a String.
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String substringAfterLast(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Gets the substring after the last occurrence of a separator. The separator is not returned. The function takes 2 parameters: <br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>the String to get a substring from, may be null<br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>the String to search for, may be null<br/>
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String substringBeforeLast(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator. The separator is not returned. The function takes 2 parameters: <br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>the String to get a substring from, may be null<br/> <strong>java.lang.String: </strong>the String to search for, may be null<br/>
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String tab()
Output a tab character.
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.Long toCeilLong(java.lang.String)
Parse a double, passed as String, and return his ceil as a long (or 0L if parse fails)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.Long toFloorLong(java.lang.String)
Parse a double, passed as String, and return his floor as a long (or 0L if parse fails)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.Long toLong(java.lang.String)
Parse a number, passed as String, and return his Long
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.Long toRoundedLong(java.lang.String)
Parse a number, passed as String, and return his closest rounding as a long (or 0L if parse fails)
Function class: org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String unescapeXml(java.lang.String)
Unescapes a String
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String urldecode(java.lang.String)
Decode a url in UTF-8 format
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.ElStringUtils
Function signature: java.lang.String urlencode(java.lang.String)
Enconde a url in UTF-8 format
Collection-related EL functions
Namespace definition: xmlns:cu="collectionutils"
EL Functions
Required attributes are marked with a*
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.CollectionElUtils
Function signature: java.util.Map$Entry entryset(java.util.Map)
Retuns the set of Map.Entry from a Map (can be used to iterate on the map)
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.CollectionElUtils
Function signature: java.util.List paginateCollection(java.util.Collection, int)
Splits a collection into pages of the specified size
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.CollectionElUtils
Function signature: java.util.List shuffle(java.util.List)
Randomly permutes the specified list
Function class: net.sourceforge.openutils.elfunctions.CollectionElUtils
Function signature: java.util.List toList(java.lang.Object[])
Converts an array to a list